You smile down
Your lemony dawn
Whispering joy
Through my thoughts
Inspiring my heart
To listen to the grace
Pouring over me
With a song of praise
You laugh through the skies
Brightening my life
With music that never fades
It’s sweet and awakens
My soul to the radiance
Of silent sighs
Reassurance, breathtaking
Serenity, so soothing
So captivating
You gentle even the wind
With your kindness
Your mercy and peace
The way You have, so generous
With love that is healing
Stirring the soul to believe
Coloring the life
In soft swirls of appreciation
Sense of admiration
You baptize my spirit
In faith that comforts, uplifts
Guides me through
All the worry and fear
Pain, struggles and tears
Encouraging me to keep dreaming
Keep believing in my dreams
And listening to the Holy Spirit
Who dwells inside of me
Breathing hope into my yearnings
Sighs so calm, so consoling
I know the love that You give
Is a love that will forever live
You are the One
Who makes my life complete
You light the heart and soul
With love that is devoted
To giving, fulfilling, revealing
All the wonder of Your gifts
The kindness that sustains
The beauty in everything
Your love is like a star shining
Down into the thoughts
Coloring the mind in hope
Forbidding the heart to pine
Leaving only the glow
An extraordinary love
Burning through the dark
Stealing the hearts
Who know that You are alive
You are mightier than time
Your light will forever be mine
Thank You, dear God
For Your light, Your love
Your inspiration and encouragement
You are wise, insightful, compassionate
And, I love YOU!