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Worth More Than Millions

Jesus gives me directions

To love as He has loved

With a sincere compassion

That knows no conditions

This love of His has no limits

It goes beyond worry and strife

It fills the heart with a joy…

That can only be expressed in rebirth

This love of His has a purpose

To give generously, without constraint

With a true sensitivity to the feelings…

That someone else has felt

This love of His has been given

To bring salvation to the sinner

Reaching into a wretched heart…

And bringing about a complete surrender

This love of His holds the answers

To every question we might ask,

Creates a sense of peace on the inside

That could never compare to another serenity

This love of His sends us promises

That our greatest fears will be overcome

By the assurance that no harm can arise…

For those who trust in God’s only Son

This love of His mends what is broken

Whether it be a heart or a spiritual pain

It restores the one who feels shattered…

With a promise of true hope and faith

This love of His succeeds where nothing else can

Pleading victory from these nail scarred hands

Reaching down to the poorest, lost sinner

And giving a new life, a new way, a second chance.

This love of His is worth more than millions

No amount of money can possibly buy it

Through grace, it is eternal salvation sent to us

Who simply have the faith to accept Him

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