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The Ride

Born into November, just past autumn

Almost winter, yet still walking over the crisp

Colors, scarlet and gold, bold carpets

Covering the ground, an earthly promise

To those who know that somewhere, spring

Is waiting in the darkness, echoing

Its music, dancing in flaming daffodils and tulips,

Hoping to arrive just before the heart

Finds itself beating with the dance, the chance

To find amusement in the miracle of a snowflake

The tenderness of the silent night, the grace

Beneath the stars who seem so wise – so alive

The years wore through my innocence

Eventually training me to listen to the spiritual

Words in scriptures, in peace – serenity

Fading beyond the shadows who foretold of faith

Belief in the prayers who I would ever speak,

Pleading with the Father for His mercy, His compassion

The blessings that would forever agree

To soothe away my darkness, my doubt, the dread

That kept me in a hollow place, location of lies, depression

Despair that told me I didn’t have a way, there was pain

Beyond the words, beyond poetry, beyond the heartbeat

Pain that remembered every dishonor and shame,

Every feeling of doubt, the dreams just wouldn’t come out

I was lost somedays – in the ache, hurting

Tears flowing like dew against a petal, sliding

Haphazardly along the lines of my cheek, beckoning

The silence to speak, the memories to believe

The skies to fill up with their stars, glistening like the tears,

Promising to cure all my anguish, destroy my grief

Bring the peace that would assure me that my Father,

The One I had been praying to and saying to…

Listen, hear me – I’m alive here in this darkness

Take away this sorrow and bring me through tomorrow

With your gentle touch, kiss me with your love

When I remember, though – the pain is always reduced

To a nip, only a mention of the darkness, a silhouette

Surrounding my thoughts, stirring my verse, my vision

With heartbreak, dread – feelings that are led my fear

Poignant and weakened by the chains of suspicion,

Lingering in the pessimistic, the murkiness, misty

Clouds passing over the luminous light of a day filled

With kindness, pregnant with laughter, happily ever after

The conclusion to knowing the One who brought me through

His love a breathing thing, a sweetness, a moment

When wonder covered in kindness breeds hope and faith

Bringing to life the miracle of a love that is eternally burning

Away the darkness, surrounding my life in all that is beautiful

With God as the pilot, I am bound to survive this ride we named life

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