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The God I Know

i dream of the impossible

as dewy tears fall down

kissing like the moonlight

on the breath of a cloud

i laugh at the stars

as they shimmer on the sky

lighting up the darkness

dancing - full of life

i reach out to the shadows

silhouettes of dreams

beckoning to my spirit

praying for His grace

sweet peace

i soar through the winds

praising, praying, promising

wishing for the chance

to leave hope on my poetry

i love the silence, the stillness

of a morning mourning

with the desire for more

more faith, more love

more of God above

i sing with the birds as they fly

through the azure skies

free to listen to the cries

of sun reflecting insights

intuition into my spirit

i pour out joy in the moments

pleasures from gratitude

songs of faith, of praise

singing with the sweetest spirit

i caress the gentle whisper

of hope that never fades

inspiration that makes a way

lasts through the darkest day

i feel Him preparing me

for joy, glory, heaven

sincerity, serenity, soothing

away every feeling of sadness

i will always be in love

with the One who brings me

through the storm, through pain

into the sweetness of His presence

i will always be in love

with Jesus, God’s gift to free

to save and to see us through

the fears and tears that haunt

the darkness that colors hearts

in shades of hurt

i will lift my heart toward Him

the one who forgives my sin

raises my spirit from despair

making me fully aware

that He is my anchor, my answer

the promise that rains

faith, hope and love – God’s acumen

i praise Him forever

He is so much better

than the gifts I treasure

from a worldly measure

He is the gift of eternity

He is the gift of a soul

who bleeds compassion

hope that is alive and bold

faith that simply knows

His love is the answer for everyone!

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