I want to thank You, my Lord
For the blessings so splendid
Proof positive that I’m adored
Beyond my heart’s own yearnings
With a love that won’t be ignored
It’s alive with wonder and joy
Sharing a love that is of one accord
Filled with light that pours out
Blessings that are my full award
I want to thank You, my God
For the joy, hope and wonder
Of a love that won’t be flawed
A love that is like the breath
That sings through me, awed
I feel like I’ve been sanctified
With a blessing so wide and broad
It shows my heart what it means
To love beyond, like a shield, an ephod
I want to thank You, my King
For the praise that dances inside
With a beauty and love you bring
To stir my soul to the quiet dreams
Of hearts who believe as they sing
In voices meant for adoration
Of the beloved to whom I cling
With my soul’s admiration, my faith
That silences every worrisome thing
Thank You, Jesus, for the light
Shining like the wonders so bright
Freeing my soul of its fright
Whispering peace at your sight
Reminding me why I’m truly alright
A living testament to shine, excite
Assure the spirit of one contrite
Who is meant to love with pure delight
Praise God for this love I can recite