Pray for those things
That God can bless
Joy and peace, wisdom
Love that gives out
Kindness and strength
Pray for good things
Which God brings to each
Of the children He feeds
With His truth, His spirit
Ponder those things
That God approves of
Faith, hope and love
Lights sent from above
Singing grace to the world
Reflecting promises
Belief that guides the soul
To the wonder of His love
The miracle of His beauty
Praise for those things
That God Himself brings
Things like knowledge, insight
Inspiration and imagination
Creativity that colors hearts
In beautiful joy, gentleness
A spirit of honesty, sincerity
Serenity that stirs the spirit
To believe in His tender gifts
Pour out…
Pour out light across life
Light that God inspires inside
Light of hope, light of love
Light of faith, light of grace
Light of mercy, light of peace
Light that listens
Light that believes
Rain joy, kindness, thanks
To recognize and honor
The One who gave each one life
Listen to the heart, Listen and believe…
He is the answer to every hope or need
He is the blessing, the miracle, the wonder
He is God and His grace abides on those
Who know He is alive, living on the inside!