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Leaning on the Arms of Love

Like my heart might not beat

Without Him there to steer me

Toward the good and lovely things

The joy and hope, the beautiful light

Surrounding me with inspiration

Peace that leaves me completely at ease

The warmth of a place where I will be

Accepted by a Savior who listens to me

Like my soul could possibly glow

Any brighter than it does when Jesus

Sends His light through my temperament

Strengthening my thoughts, my mind

With wisdom that I might not find

Without His love, His wonderful hope

Pouring out across the miracle

Of a life meant to give back to Him

All the gratitude and praise I can give

Like my spirit sings of grace everlasting

There comes the promise of a light

In hues of kindness, gentleness and faith

Feelings so alive they silence all the pain

Whisper through my life in a breathless

Smile, an insight into love that only God above

Could inspire in my soul, set upon my dreams

Filling me with praise that lives to bring Him

Devotion, adoration and pure, tender worship

To silence every worry or doubt

With the joy of belief that never clouds

Out the wonder of His Almighty Grace

The feelings that make me believe

He is the answer to my every prayer

Like love has been rained down across my thoughts

In a brilliant calm who simply believes

There is music alive, dancing on the inside

Of the heart and soul who know that His light

Shines bright across the life of those who listen

To the presence of His love, His grace, His hope

The overflowing splendor of a God who knows

Everything about me, the happy and sad

The good and the bad – the best and the worst

And still loves me like I’m His first child

His cherished smile – the apple of His eye

He is alive – here on the inside

Where I know that His light

Will brighten the darkest gloom

Filling me with a love and joy

That is His gift to those He knows

Love Him from the depths or their soul

Where they know Him as the love

Who frees them from the pain and sorrow

Giving them the greatest gift of all

The gift of a Savior who will amaze

With His overflowing love, soothing

Every ache, every mistake with His grace!

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