In the velvety green of a forest carpet
There lives a promise of sweetest serenity
The promise of joy, hope and gentle peace
Amid the crunch of dead leaves and darkness
Bark peeling from oaks, birch and elms
Pines scented fresh like the forest’s odor
There is a sparkle of passion pouring down
From moonlit skies with stars sparkling joy
Along the creeks running gentle with cool, clear
Soothing waters who silence the music of plants
Woody grace blazing with enchanted inspirations
Coloring the shadows with laughter from birds
Fading into the forest with their songs of praise
In the embrace of a bush scented woods, where
Kindness seems to pour out the wonder of hope
Birthing pure worship of the Creator who knows
Our lives will never be more blessed than they are
By the priceless moments spent in the silhouette
Of trembling oaks and pines who know our best
Prayers are prayed on knees caked in decaying leaves
Listen to the voice of a silent faith who believes
God is never closer than He is to those who travel
Secluded forest paths… woods surrounding souls
Who know that His love is alive in the sounds of rippling
Mountain streams, birdsong and countless dreams
Who fall from the stardust promises of a night
Awake with the dreams of the heart who knows
God is alive and He is bold and He is the hope
That gives us all the faith to keep going, keep hoping
Keep listening to the call of a dream, a vision
That is filled with silent screams from those prayers
We may have failed to pray, but still are answered
By a God who knows us much better than we know ourselves
I’m so thankful for those blessings He brings every day.