On the day of Pentecost God did send.
A sound, “a sound as a mighty rushing wind.”
The Holy Spirit had sent a powerful wire.
The disciples began speaking with cloven tongues of fire.
The disciples came out of the upper room, speaking in a new translation.
But people around them had a different interpretation.
The people around them thought they were way out of line.
For they thought, the disciples were filled with new wine.
Peter rose up and said, “These are not drunk, as you suppose for it is only the third hour.”
The disciples had been filled with God’s Holy Ghost power.
How can this be, how come we don’t know?
Peter said, “for this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel.”
Peter then told them about Jesus, and it pricked their heart.
They felt remorseful, they wanted a new start.
They started to question, “what shall we do?”
Peter said, “repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ every single one of you.”
When they received remission for their sins, the Holy Spirit did dwell within.
Some gladly received the Word, as the Bible does say.
And about 3,000 souls were added that day.
Inspired by Acts Chapter 2
written 2020