There was a man from Tarsus, a man whose name, was Saul.
A Roman Jew who was zealous, for the Jewish law.
A Jewish, Roman, Pharisee, who hadn't yet found Christian Clarity.
The news of Jesus’ resurrection had spread.
However, some thought that Jesus was still dead.
The news of His resurrection had caused controversy.
Among the members of the Jewish clergy.
The first Christian who was stoned was Stephan the disciple.
People were enticed, by Saul the Spiteful.
The High Priest gave Saul written permission. To go bound, and persecute Christians.
He traveled to Damascus and saw a light, a light that was extremely bright.
Paul then heard a voice, and upon him fell fear.
Because Jesus the Son of God's voice, Saul did hear.
Jesus then asked Saul, why Saul persecuted him. Then Saul’s eyesight started to dim.
Jesus took away Saul’s eyesight; Saul couldn’t even see the very daylight.
God's Light was so bright, that Saul couldn't even glance. But Jesus was merciful and gave Saul another chance. He sent Saul to Annias' house, where’s Saul’s eyesight would be restored. Then he became Apostle Paul and served Jesus Christ the Lord. Scripture references Acts 9:1-17