"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6).
Come all ye thirsty, and drink of My well.
Rivers of living water, to make your soul swell.
Come all ye hungry, and eat of My bread.
The Eternal Life, that raises the dead.
Come all ye weary, and rest at My feet.
Lay down your bitter, and trade it for sweet.
Come all ye prodigals, there’s no need to roam.
Return to the Father, it’s time to come home.
Come all ye girls; come all ye boys
Come all broken-hearted, I shall give you joy.
Come all ye strangers, lay down your borders.
Open up your hearts, get your houses in order.
Come all ye great; come all ye small.
Come to the Savior the One, who gives it all.